I'm delighted to welcome you to this space.

I'm Dr Shuna Marr, the founder of Spiritual Awakening Support and I help individuals, like you, to navigate their spiritual journeys. 

For me, spirituality isn't just a passion; it's a way of life. It's a journey that's transformed me, and I'm here to share the wisdom and insights I've gathered along the way. In particular about trying to get into (or back into) a daily practice. 

Have you ever felt like life’s whirlwind has pulled you away from your spiritual path?

Or perhaps you’re standing at the threshold of a spiritual journey, unsure where to begin. Trust me, I understand how easy it is to lose touch with your practice or to not even know where to start.

Whether after a restful summer break, an illness, a busy time at work or whatever of other life’s demands have shown up to pull you away, it's entirely normal to feel a bit disconnected from your spiritual practice from time to time.

I offer this 8 step guide to help you get back to it.

The video below offers an overview and introduction to what a spiritual practice entails and what this guide offers. Switch on CC for subtitles. 

Prefer to read? Here's the video transcript

Reconnect in 8 Gentle Steps

My first mentor led me to believe that a ‘daily practice’ required an hour of yoga followed by an hour of meditation for it to be worthwhile. I’ve since learned that while this can be great if you’ve the time and inclination to do it, many of us don’t have that luxury.

But this perception that we’ve picked up of what constitutes a great daily practice can immobilise us when there’s no way we can possibly fit it into our day.

It can become a ‘barrier to entry’ to getting back into it and we fall into the belief that if we can’t do that then it’s not worth doing. This ‘all or nothing’ approach (and I’m pointing no fingers as this has been me on many occasions) can hold us back from getting started.

However, over the years, I’ve learned ways to take a more moderate approach and now believe that ‘done is better than perfect’.

Below I've shared some gentle steps to help you find your way back to that sacred space within and offer practical ways to fit it into your day.

Download the 8 Step Guide as a PDF

Use this navigation menu to go directly to a particular step.

Step 1: Set Your Intention

Begin with a heartfelt intention for creating a new practice or renewing your practice. Making something happens entails envisioning it and understanding your 'why'.
Take a few moments to reflect on why returning to your spiritual practice matters to you. What do you hope to achieve? What inspires you on this path?

This simple act can reignite your inner flame.

Some practical ways to do this could be to write it in your journal, and I offer some journal prompts below.

Perhaps let the creative juices flow through painting or creating a picture that connects you. Or just write it on a post-it note and stick it on your fridge door or where you’ll see it.

Your intentions, are the compass guiding you forward.

Here are some journal prompts to guide you

Step 2: Start Small

One of the biggest hurdles to getting back into a daily practice is the belief that it’s all or nothing. That you have to jump into doing half an hour, or an hour, (or more!) each day. But the truth is, that’s just our head getting in the way.

The reality is that there’s no need to rush. Begin with bite-sized sessions, gradually extending them as you regain your rhythm.

Find ways to incorporate five minutes here or there.

For example, combine your grounding meditation with your shower. A two minute intention to let the water clear your aura and invite in beautiful energies is better than not doing it at all.

Frequent short connections throughout the day can build up the habit more quickly, and increase your connection, than one long session that doesn’t happen most days anyway.

It's about progress, not perfection.

Step 3: Create Sacred Space

Designate a corner of your home as a sacred space. Even a small altar or a cozy nook can serve as a reminder of your commitment.

While I'm lucky enough to now have a dedicated room, I used to have just a particular chair in my dining room that I’d sit in to do either a quick meditation or to use when I was connecting with my cards. The energy built up around that space made it easier to connect in when I sat in it.

Make it your intention to sit in one space daily to do a short meditation, or to journal or to pull a single tarot or oracle card on how best to walk your highest path that day.

Sacred space is created through intention.

Step 4: Breathe Deeply

Your breath is a sacred bridge to the spiritual realm. You can use anytime, anywhere. Whether you're in the bustle of everyday life or in a quiet space of meditation, your breath is your constant companion on this journey.

Pause and Take a Breath: In the midst of your busy day, take a moment to pause. It could be in the elevator on your way to a meeting or even during a quiet moment in the bathroom. Wherever you are, close your eyes if you can, and take a few deep breaths. Feel the rhythm of your breath, the rise and fall of your chest. Let it connect you to your body, to the present moment.

As you breathe deeply, send yourself some loving kindness. Whisper silent words of love, compassion, and forgiveness to your inner self. Embrace the beauty of this simple practice, for in these moments, you are nurturing both your spirit and your body.

In these breaths, you find connection, peace, and a sacred space within yourself.

Step 5: Grounding

Grounding is the art of connecting with the nurturing energy of Mother Earth. It's like recharging your spiritual batteries, and it's accessible to you no matter where you are.

Whenever possible, spend time in nature. Take a leisurely walk in the park, find a tree to sit under and simply sit and breathe in the fresh outdoor air. Feel the Earth's energy grounding you, anchoring you to the present moment.

If going outdoors isn't an option, you can still find nature's healing vibes everywhere, even if you're indoors. For example, bring a touch of nature into your space with plants, watch videos of serene landscapes or listen to soothing nature sounds like waves, birdsong, or rain. Your phone can be a portal to the Earth's calming rhythms.

You can also ground yourself by visualising grounding cords extending from your body deep into the Earth, connecting you to the Earth's core, stabilising you, and absorbing its healing energy.

Through grounding, you align with the Earth's wisdom, finding stability and renewal in its embrace.

Step 6: Journal Your Journey

Write about your experiences, insights, and the emotions you're navigating. One of the best ways to bring yourself back to a place of flow is to write a gratitude journal.

Take a few moments at the end of your day to reflect on what happened during the day and find 5 things to be grateful for. It can be as simple as a beautiful flower or a smile from someone you passed in the street.

The more you actively seek out things to be grateful for, the more you'll discover. When you find gratitude in the small things, you'll be amazed at how abundance flows into your life. As your vibration lifts, you'll naturally reconnect to the deeper aspects of your spiritual journey. 

Your journal becomes a sacred space where you nurture a grateful heart. It's where you acknowledge the beauty in the everyday and invite more of it into your life.

With each word you write, you take another step towards rediscovering the joy of connection

Step 7: Explore Guided Meditations

Guided meditations are like a gentle hand guiding you along your spiritual path, especially when you're feeling adrift. They offer a comforting embrace of wisdom and intention, making it easier to step back into your practice.

As a special gift to you, I've created a meditation ritual designed to help you set your intention to renew (or establish) your practice.

This soothing and transformative meditation is a powerful tool to reignite your inner light and guide you on your spiritual journey.

To experience this meditation and help it connect you to your practice, simply click the button below to download the MP3

Allow meditation to be your companion as you navigate your path with intention and grace.

Download the "Connect to your inner light" meditation here

Step 8: Seek Community

Having the support and encouragement of a like-minded community is essential in maintaining a consistent spiritual practice.  Community plays a pivotal role in nurturing and sustaining a thriving spiritual practice. It's within the warmth of a supportive community that you find inspiration, guidance, and encouragement on your journey. 

Sharing experiences, learning from one another, and drawing strength from the collective energy can significantly enhance your connection to your spiritual path. 

Whether you're seeking answers, looking for like-minded souls, or simply a space to share your insights, finding a community that resonates with your journey is a transformative step forward.

It is through reaching out to your fellow members, sharing your unique experiences, and drawing strength from one another that you gain from the power of connection.

You may like to consider exploring our Ascension Pathfinders Adventureland membership to find support and inspiration – it may be just the vibrant and supportive spiritual community you've been searching for. To find out more, simply click here.

It's a space where your voice is valued, and your journey is celebrated.

Awakening is a journey not a destination

As you embark on this path back to your spiritual practice, remember that it's a personal and unique journey. There will be many ebbs and flows along the way, and each experience is a valuable part of your process. There's no rush, and there's no judgment. Embrace every twist and turn, every moment of connection and disconnection, and may you find the deep connection, fulfillment, and love you seek.

Welcome back to your sacred self.

with love

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Taking your journey further

As you explore this free resource and embark on your journey to reconnect with your inner light, I kindly invite you to share your valuable feedback with us through the provided feedback form. 

🙏🙏Your insights and questions are deeply appreciated as they help us serve you better. 🙏🙏

If you resonated with the meditation and are looking to dive deeper into inner clearing, I encourage you to explore our 'Heart Space Room' course, a powerful tool on your path of self-discovery.

For those seeking a supportive and like-minded community, our Ascension Pathfinder Adventureland membership might be the perfect fit.

Additionally, our 'Everything' page offers an overview of all our current free and paid offerings.

If any of these options resonate with you, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to walk this path with you further.

Find all the links below:

Visit our EVERYTHING page for all our offers

Please fill in our FEEDBACK form

Your feedback is truly valuable in helping me to develop useful resources to support your journey.

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The Heart Space Room

The best tool in my toolbox for your inner healing journey, connecting with your inner guidance and so much more. 

Find out more here

Our Membership Community

A wonderful and intimate community where you can walk the path with like-minded souls on their path of expansion.

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