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7 Stages of the Awakening Journey

Dr Shuna Marr explains 7 Stages of the Awakening Journey and offers you support in navigating them.

'Awakening’ describes a raising of your conscious awareness to a higher level. It's often called a spiritual awakening, but it actually encompasses changes to your mind, body and emotions as well.

This epic blog post explains 7 Stages of the Awakening Journey you may experience and is packed full of links to support material such as blog posts, videos, workshops and courses.

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Meet the Team...

Shuna and Roslyn are a mother and daughter team who have separate, but complementary, healing gifts. Let them tell you about themselves...

Meet Shuna


​Life Experience and Spiritual Journey

​​​​​I have been on my enlightenment path for more than 20 years now, but only 'awakened' into this heightened state of consciousness in 2016. Since then, my expansion has been exponential, as I have worked extremely hard to gain an overview and understanding of what is going on and how to operate in this new environment I now found myself in - how to get my head around what awakening is about, and why it is happening to seemingly so many people. 

Along the way, I have been honing my highly developed intuition and my ability for divination through Tarot, crystals and dowsing. I also have skills in reiki, mindfulness and holding space.

My life has been a rich tapestry of experiences. I'm happily married to my second husband, a mother of two wonderful people I have nurtured to adulthood, and I'm now a grandmother. I have also survived divorce, rejection, rape, narcissistic relationships, anxiety and depression. 

I have come to understand that from our deepest pain, comes our greatest growth.

​As my knowledge, skills and tool belt have expanded, I have become a happier, healthier, more balanced and joyful person.

I have come to realise that my mission going forward is to provide tools, knowledge and guidance in support of people like you, going through your journey of awakening

...so you can also become happier and find the path to your life purpose too. 

Dr Shuna Marr

  • PhD in Education

  • PG Dip Teaching Qualification

  • PG Cert Blended and Online Education

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Intuitive Teacher and Guide

One of the greatest gifts I have been given in this lifetime (apart from my wonderful family, of course), is to be a really effective teacher and guide.

I taught students in higher education for more than two decades; not only in Scotland, but also in Hong Kong and Beijing. I have qualifications and extensive experience in developing and delivering online courses.

​​​​​I have also given guidance to many thousands of students. Over the past few years, I focussed particularly on supporting students making the sometimes difficult transition from college to university.

In parallel, I have been going through my own awakening process, and this has formed the basis of my understanding for the Awakening course I am offering you.


How this helps you

​During 2019, I came to realise that having spent the last few years developing an online transition course for students making the journey from college to university was no coincidence. It became obvious that the Universe had given me a wonderful template that I could use to create a similar online course that would help others who are transitioning through the awakening process.

Our online flagship course: 'Ok I'm Awakening - What Happens Now?: a Spiritual Awakening 101', will help you to fast track through this transitioning process and save maybe years of going down dead end paths and trying to figure it all out for yourself. The course aims to bring you up to speed with the wider picture of what is happening and provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to be able to operate successfully within this new environment.

If you need personalised support, I offer a range of online guidance sessions (via Zoom) or face to face (in central Scotland). ​I also offer joint sessions with my daughter, Roslyn, but let her tell you about this...

Meet Roslyn


Life experience and spiritual journey

My awakening has been in tandem with my mum's. I began my spiritual journey as a teenager, and so I've spent more than half my life learning to clear false beliefs, energetic blockages and heal emotional wounds, allowing me to reach my current stage on my own awakening path. I now feel in a place to help others to move forward in their spiritual awakening.

​Having an MA (Hons) Philosphy, I have, by nature, a very philosophical viewpoint. I like to look at things from lots of different perspectives. This is one of the key skills that I bring to the table in the work that I do with clients, which is to help them change their perspective  - let go of old belief systems and look at systems from a new vantage point.

I’ve also worked in the third sector for many years. I’ve been out shining my light in a professional sector that is all about caring and supporting others through difficulties, such as illness or hard times. I bring that same sort of professional and caring attitude to the work that I’m now doing with my clients.

In my personal life, I have walked a long path to motherhood and have experienced difficulties with conceiving and multiple losses. All of this has taken me on a rapid awakening journey, through which I have learned about myself as an individual, as a wife and a mother. However, although my husband and I walked a long path to parenthood, along the way, we became much better parents and found the enlightenment and wisdom that brought us to the point of conscious parenting.

I’m now a loving mother to a wonderful son and daughter, and practice conscious parenting in my everyday life. I’m now bringing that experience and insight to the Conscious Parenting 101 course for Awakened Caregivers I’m currently developing.

Healing and Guidance

​As I have awakened, my empathic and psychic gifts have developed rapidly and I now have a wide range of tools that I can bring to a session. Mum tends to work on the mental and emotional layers of the body, with a lot of guidance and practical advice.

I work more on the energetic and physical layers. I can 'tune in' to see what is happening to you at a soul level and get information from your guides. My speciality is in healing, through shifting old blockages and emotions that no longer serve you, to free up space inside you, which will allow you to expand and move forward in a new direction, on a new path.

Although mum and I each work very effectively on our own, together we offer a fantastic holistic package, where we work through all the body layers - mind, emotional, energetic, physical and spiritual. This helps bring about even more effective transformation in your life.

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