Our flagship course to help you navigate your awakening path:
Ok I'm Awakening - What Happens Now?
A Spiritual Awakening 360°
A holistic course for navigating yours spiritual journey from Self-care to Ascension.

What does it mean to awaken?
It's an ongoing process of unfolding and expansion, as we strip away layer after layer of false beliefs and conditioning to find our true essence.
Awakening is not a destination but a journey.
But what does the journey look like?
I hear you - I couldn't find a course that gave me that overview ... so I created one myself!
This comprehensive course explains, in a straightforward way, what is going on, it will help you to understand the journey you are on and help you to navigate the path in an empowered way.
And I will be your guide, every step of the way.
Awakening Can Be Confusing
Hello, I'm Dr Shuna Marr
I know how confusing awakening can be - because I've been through it myself.
Most of us are driven by our fears and the stories we tell about ourselves. We try to find control in our lives. We manipulate our outer world so we do not have to face our inner one.
Awakening is about going on this inner exploration so you can better understand yourself and find the authentic you.
This journey is going to lead you to true empowerment - not just the illusion of it.
I am here to help you to navigate your unique awakening path.
I've created this course to provides you with a framework of understanding, a route map and the tools you'll need to navigate your way with more ease.

Understand your unique soul's journey
Whether you are at the very start of your awakening, a few years into it, or maybe even many years into it, but never really understood the overview perspective, this course can help you.
I will show you how you can:
- release your anxieties and fear
- reclaim your power
- stand secure in your own love – helping you to feel more confident
- be true to yourself and access your inner guidance
- live a life of freedom and joy
This course is perfect for anyone looking to understand the path they are on and will provide you with the tools and knowledge to take your spiritual journey to the next level.
This program is the result of 4 years of intensive research
and going through my own awakening.
I needed to work out what was happening, so I could share it with you.
The 24 topics in the course (in 3 sections) follow the ‘story arc’ of the awakening journey, taking you from the 'Stumbling Spiritual Seeker' stage of the newly awakened, through to stepping forward confidently as a 'Surefooted Pathfinder'.
I have been on my enlightenment path for 24 years now, but only 'awakened' into this heightened state of consciousness in 2016, after a period of anxiety that led to depression. I had to take 8 weeks off work to recover.
I realised that I had to step back from my high-pressure University lecturer role, and start giving myself self-care. I reduced my workdays to three days a week.
This freed me up to begin an intense period of exploration and research about awakening.
For the next four years I researched...
However, the more I delved into the concepts of spirituality and awakening, the more I was confused.
There were so many different bits to this jigsaw puzzle - angels, soul blueprints, spirit teams, manifestation, channeling aliens - concepts I'd have rolled my eyes at a few months previously.
- How did it all fit together?
- What was real? What was just nonsense?
- So much of it was contradictory.
- Who and what to believe?
I read hundreds of books, articles and blog posts. I watched thousands of hours of videos and signed up for dozens of courses.
I kept searching until I understood the process well enough to be able to explain it to others following behind me, like you.
I then used my gift of explaining difficult concepts in a straightforward way, to create this online program that will guide you through the whole process.
I went through all that, so YOU can get up to speed a LOT more quickly.
However, I could not create each module until I was truly walking it out in the world
It's really important for me to tell you that this course is not a 'mental' exercise but written from the heart as an 'embodied knowing' - and that's why it took me 4 years to create.
You can go through this course in 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years, as it is designed to meet you exactly where you are at.
I invite you to step with me now into this wondrous journey towards your best and most fulfilling life.
Shuna x
Here's what others are saying about the course...

Dawn Allen
"I feel privileged to have worked through the Spiritual Awakening 101 course and it is really good. Shuna is very personable and shares her own life experiences, including her spiritual awakening, which really resonated with me. It helped me to know I was not alone on this journey and all my thoughts, feelings and experiences are exactly where I need to be right now.
Shuna explains everything really well during the course and includes examples and illustrations to consolidate the explanations."

Linda P.
"With persistence and determination, Shuna has 'walked the walk', managing to convert various, very human (and sometimes very difficult) life experiences into opportunities for spiritual growth and greater awareness. She now offers this awareness to help others navigate the uncharted waters of the greater emerging, universal consciousness.
Thank you so much, Shuna, for you are a truly beautiful soul who offers your many spiritual gifts with humility and grace, from which I have greatly benefited."
This course is for you if :
You spent a lot of your life being a 'good girl' (or boy), who gave away your power to people and things around you. You anchored your safety and self worth, and looked for love, in people and things outside of yourself.
You were maybe an over-giver, an over-achiever, or you burnt yourself out trying to meet the needs and demands of others.
You maybe spent time numbing out the pain and unhappiness through 'coping' behaviours (workaholism/ alcoholism/ drugs/ overeating etc.).
You perhaps didn't love yourself much and always put the needs of others before your own (maybe you still do).
However, you've begun to move beyond that and you've been working on unpicking your old conditioning for a while now, perhaps for a year or two or even more - you may even have done lots of courses and worked on various aspects of awakening - but somehow you still feel you haven't 'got' where you want to be.
But you are over feeling 'not good enough'. You're done with trying to 'fix' yourself. You're ready to embrace who you truly are. You want to feel in balance and want to step fully into your own power.
You want to embrace your psychic powers more deeply and find your purpose here. You want to live in 5D, even if you aren't sure what that means or what it involves.
You want to live a life of abundance and joy and you are ready to live your favourite life (however that looks for you). You want a road map of where you are going and a clear route on how to get there.
Does this sound like you?
Then 'Ok I'm Awakening - What Happens Now?' would be a perfect fit.
Curious if 'Ok I'm Awakening' is the right fit for you? Take the quiz! >>>
Unlock the insights you need with our concise 20-question quiz and find out if 'Ok I'm Awakening' aligns with your awakening journey.
What results can I expect?
I've been through the awakening process myself - I've mapped the journey, so you don't have to struggle on your own. I promise that by the end of this course you'll be equipped to:
- live a happier and more fulfilled life
- find your inner happiness within, unaffected by external chaos because you are whole and complete within yourself
- save time, because you'll know where to avoid the traps and dead ends of spiritual bypassing
- save money, because you won't constantly be seeking people who promise to 'fix' you
- have better relationships, because you'll recognise when you are being manipulated and how not to give your power away to others
- realise your full potential and create your best reality for yourself, however that looks for you
- stand in your own power and meet the world head on, in an empowered way.
I know of no one else offering a similar course, giving this unique encapsulation of the awakening journey that empowers you to navigate your own path with confidence.

Kara Harvey
"Shuna I really am in awe and wonder of all that you’ve put into creating this course.
You present information so clearly, in a way that concepts can be understood at the participants level, regardless of their prior knowledge of a subject. The use of ‘recaps’ in the videos provides for a solid foundation to be formed, so further learning is done with relative ease.
The pastoral care to me as learner is provided with love and grace. There is no pressure, just gentle encouragement and a check in to make sure I’m where I want to be.
This has been a really significant investment in my growth and understanding of awakening and all that flows from it and with it. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity presented to be a foundation student in this course and for having such a kind, gentle and fun person guiding the way - thank you Shuna"

John B.

Key Benefits You'll Gain From the Course...

Overview Perspective
You gain a helicopter perspective of what awakening entails, so you can see the 'story arc' of the journey you are on and the stages you go through.

A Routemap
You gain a routemap to help you navigate your way through the awakening transition and avoid sidetracks and deadends.

Tool kit
You emerge with a full toolkit to help you operate successfully in the new environment.
This powerful experience includes...

Retiral Sale - 50% off the £497
Access this amazing course for half price, plus a bonus bundle of additional supporting short courses. You have until 31st January to access the materials on this platform and plenty time to download and keep any materials you wish to save beyond that date.
apply coupon code RETIRALSALE50 at checkout to get the 50% deduction
Rachel Conroy (she went through the course in 2 weeks)
The course took me on a journey of firstly, understanding the truth essence of me, to understanding how the world around me flows and the collective within it and that we are truly, unquestionably connected.
However there is more than that. There is also the magic - the Universal Conscious energy that we are all made of that is woven like a tapestry through the Universe and through us all that provides connection on a level we cannot yet begin to comprehend.
Shuna has shown me that we are truly magical, marvellous creations that are capable of so much more if we only stop for a few minutes a day and listen to our soul’s voice. I cannot recommend this course highly enough as it will open your eyes and connect you to Joy and Passion that has been within you all along."
The course is structured in 3 sections:
The overall aim of the course is to empower you and give you the knowledge and tools you'll need to create your best life.
Section 1: Preparing your Vessel:
the vital importance of preparing your body for the journey ahead
Section 1 is about reclaiming your power.
- We start with self-care and how to support yourself through change.
- We look at emotions as our internal guidance system.
- How we develop emotional programmes.
- How to identify when we are running programmes
- How to free ourselves from these limiting beliefs.
- We end this section with some common pitfalls on the awakening journey and how to avoid them.
Below are the topics we cover in section 1:
- Topic 1: Self-Care
- Topic 2: Liminality: That Uncomfortable Transitioning Period Through Change
- Topic 3: Self Love: What it isn't, what it is, and why it is so important
- Topic 4: How Self Love is Lost: The Abandonment of Self
- Topic 5: How Self Love is Regained: The Acceptance of Self
- Topic 6: Why Self Love can Feel Inauthentic at First
- Topic 7: Triggering, Mirroring, Projecting and Spirals
- Topic 8: Pitfalls to Avoid - how to reclaim your power
Section 2: The Big Picture:
an overview of the system - what is happening and why now
Section 2 is about understanding what is going on.
- The second section aims to give you a vocabulary to explain what is going on and why it is happening at this time.
- We examine some big Universal concepts such as Ascension, Oneness, fractals, dimensions and densities, soul contracts and blueprints, and being 'under the veil'.
- We explore some of the light beings that offer us support and guidance and the choices we are being asked to make.
- This is the knowledge you need to be able to understand the structure of the system.
Below are the topics we cover in section 2:
- Topic 1: The Structure and Fabric of the Universe
- Topic 2: Octaves and Densities
- Topic 3: The Choice and the Veil
- Topic 4: The Third Density Experience
- Topic 5: The Soul Matrix Structure
- Topic 6: The Positive Path
- Topic 7: What you need to know about the negative path
- Topic 8: Ascension and the Harvest
Section 3: Navigating the Path:
how the system works and how to navigate successfully within it
Section 3 is about knowing how to operate successfully as an awakened person
This final section aims to give you the knowledge and practical tools you need to successfully navigate within the system and how you can shape your life going forward in this new environment.
We cover things like:
- How to work with the new energies coming in.
- How to clear ancestral and past lives energy that is limiting you.
- How to find your purpose and develop your own giftings
- How to create and manifest your best life in the 5th dimension
Below are the topics we cover in section 3:
- Topic 1: Dimensions vs Density
- Topic 2: How we Create our Reality
- Topic 3: How to Shift Timelines
- Topic 4: Working with Planetary Fields
- Topic 5: Clearing Past Lives, Collective Energies and Ancestral Trauma
- Topic 6: Finding Your Balance
- Topic 7: Finding Your Purpose and Gifts
- Topic 8: Manifesting Your Best Life
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I expect to get from this course? What will it give me?
When does the course start?
Will all the material be available when I purchase the course or is it released over time?
What are the tech requirements of the course?
How long do I have access to the material?
Do I have to download the videos to watch them?
How Accessible is the course?
What happens when I decide to Purchase the Course??
What are the Terms and Conditions?
What is the refund policy?
Is this course anything to do with religion?
How might I know if the course is NOT for me?
A message from Shuna
I have been a university teacher - a doctor of education - on my own enlightenment path for more than 24 years.
My teaching gift is to be able to turn difficult ideas into simple pictures and explain it in a way you can understand.
I have used this ability to take what I've learned about awakening to create this online video course:
'Ok I'm Awakening - What Happens Now? A Spiritual Awakening 101'.
This course can help you to fast-track through your awakening transition. It can get you to your best life much sooner and avoid years of going down dead-end paths.
In this course I'm offering you the opportunity to learn in 24 topics of study what it took me more than 24 years to learn.
I'd love to have you join me

Ready to join me?
Click on the link below to start your journey.
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